Two Eyes on China’s territorial ambitions – all 20 of them!

Two Eyes on China’s territorial ambitions – all 20 of them!

The Peoples Republic of China shares a land border with 14 different countries.  China is a large place – that it shares a land border with 14 countries shouldn’t necessarily come as a surprise.  However, what might come as a surprise is that China has a territorial border dispute with all 14 of these countries; North Korea, Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam.  When considering China’s territorial aspirations in the South China…

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China’s push for great power status

China’s push for great power status

A few starter videos for what China has been up to over the last few years: China’s trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade  – 6 minutes [from 2018] Key topics: Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) String of Pearls Theory Indian Ocean China is building islands in the South China Sea – 7 minutes [from 2017 – but still a good concise run down] Key topics South China Sea Nine Dash Line Cabbage Strategy Chinese internment camps – 9…

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